Gordon blogs only when he sees a need either among our members or within a business transaction in which he is personally engaged. Content rich and highly insightful, Gordon's blogs are like an advanced course in business success.
You are the end product of a billion years of evolution. There is an unbroken billion year chain of life that has resulted in you. During that billion years, the challenges that faced each succeeding generation are beyond anything you can envision. That lineage of success did not become you so that you could fail now. Your discouragement is a fleeting experience in the eons of time. That simple fact alone should provide you with unwavering confidence that this too shall come to pass and that you too shall prevail. Read more...
Read MoreThis question is from a Bizar Financing member who want to know how much income he can pay himself from a company he acquirers: Question: If I am looking to make $150,000 to $200,000 in salary a year. What sales size company do I need to buy for me to yield that salary? Answer: The…
Read MoreNothing frustrates a business owner more than an inspection by a government regulator, especially where the written report finds significant violations of hard to understand or vague “breaches of regulations.” Confrontation between an entrepreneur and a regulator is most often followed with the bureaucrat inclined to show the business owner or management how powerful he…
Read MoreBelow are 27 factors that comprise an algorithm which National Diversified Funding Corporation uses to calculate the purchase price (valuation) of Amazon storefront type companies for sale. Why are these 27 factors important? It's not enough to say Amazon storefront companies are valued at four or five times EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and…
Read MoreAccording to a recent article in the LA Times Business Section, private equity firms are awash with cash for the purchase of companies that either generate substantial cash flow or can be broken up and sold piecemeal for more then the purchase price of the whole. Their cash, in the tens of billions of dollars,…
Read MoreReducing costs and increasing cash flow are top priorities essential to beating the competition. Yet few entrepreneurs pay the same attention to these two key components as they do to increasing sales. When they do, they stand out. It’s how Sam Walton’s Walmart beat K-Mart, Target, Sears, and throngs of local and regional stores to…
Read MoreThe two most important words in the English language for anyone who wants to know more about anything are “Google Everything”. Actually it was a close race where “Google Everything” barely edged out two other two word phrases for the title. The other phrases were; “Google It” and “Think Google.” No matter which phrase you…
Read MoreThere is a chasm between the ways wealth was created in the 20th versus the 21st Century. In the 20th, it was essentially invention of devices followed by well managed traditional assets, (real estate, plants, machinery, equipment etc.) leveraging large labor forces. In the 21st, it is development and management of intellectual property leveraged through…
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