Gordon blogs only when he sees a need either among our members or within a business transaction in which he is personally engaged. Content rich and highly insightful, Gordon's blogs are like an advanced course in business success.
A new promoter, who is a Bizar Financing graduate, took over the race event and called me with the following challenge: he needed $500,000 immediately from an investor to cover the upfront expenses to promote the race and to cover additional expenses until revenues from the event kicked in. The bad news here is that…
Read MoreDo you know the difference between a consultant and a business buyer? A consultant knows 101 ways to buy a business and arrange funding but doesn’t know any sellers. For as long as I have been training people how to buy businesses, I am continually surprised at how many get stuck on the very first…
Read MoreA person walks up to the counter at a fast food restaurant and places their order. The cashier rings up the proper amount. However, he shorts the customer $5 in change. The customer holds up their hand and asks the cashier… “Where’s the rest of my change?” The cashier, with a confused look on his…
Read MoreIf you are reading this blog, it’s probably because you’re entrepreneurial and looking for information to build a successful business. So, the next paragraph may seem like a detour but allow me to assure you it’s not. A friend of yours is tired of renting a room in someone else’s house and decides to build…
Read MoreOne of my emerging entrepreneur Bizar Financing students recently asked my opinion on which industry he should pursue for the purchase of his business. My answer to him is one that may shed some light on where you or any other entrepreneur should be pointing their energy. Specifically his inquiry went like this: “As far…
Read MoreRecently, I was asked the following: Can you write about how someone that is buying a business for the first time without experience get's over the "fear factor" of not having the experience of owning and running a business? My response follows: While I am not a fan of Franklin D. Roosevelt, here is a…
Read MoreOne of my clients recently commented in an email to one of my recent blog posts titled "Would You Rather Be Right or Rich?” If you’re not hiring stellar employees already tailor made for their assignments or if you find yourself continually disappointed in the performance of some of your staff, you might benefit from…
Read MoreWould you like to get done what others believe is impossible? Burn this next sentence into your brain and watch mountains move. Every organization has its can do person! The following recent example may seem relatively minor in the grand scheme of things but it’s the process that’s important. One of my Los Angeles based…
Read MoreI received and email from a college student who wants to be an entrepreneur. He was concerned that after graduation it would then take years to get the operational experience he believed would be necessary to start or buy his own business. Here is the pertinent portion of my response to him. I started a…
Read MoreThe best way for some wage earners to achieve financial success and security is to go into business for him or herself. We all know the time worn adage, “You can’t get rich working for someone else,” Well, that’s not entirely true. We’ve all heard the news that today’s CEO’s and some other top officers…
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