cash in on life transforming ai

you can lose your job to ai or own a business that puts ai to work for you.

Here is what you will learn:

  1. What AI is and how it works
  2. How AI will transform our lives
  3. How AI will transform business
  4. What jobs will be replaced first
  5. What jobs will be enhanced
  6. What are your 3 key choices and what are their consequences
  7. What businesses to buy and why
  8. How to get in front of the coming disruption
Regulation and Red Tape

Getting Government Regulators Off Your Back

Nothing frustrates a business owner more than an inspection by a government regulator, especially where the written report finds significant violations of hard to understand...
Close up of business woman drawing question mark


Every week I receive more than a dozen requests for a personal meeting. Despite my current work week of about 70 hours, it is no...