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Who We Are
Bizar Financing trains and supports entrepreneurs in the acquisition and growth of their businesses.
Our specialty… financial leverage, giving a few thousand dollars the buying power of millions.
Learn more about our company.
Our Company At A Glance
A quick overview of Bizar Financing and the services we provide.
Start, Buy or Expand Any Business with Little or None of Your Own Cash
Available 24/7 from your PC, tablet or smartphone.
Who is Gordon Bizar
Gordon is sought after by entrepreneurs, business executives and government leaders worldwide for his ability to foresee, strategize, structure and organize innovative solutions to seemingly impossible business and societal challenges.
When stuck with the most vexing challenges, leaders and power brokers call Gordon.
Find out why.
Why Gordon Bizar Coaches Entreprenuers
Gordon is passionate about training entrepreneurs. This passion evolved from his earliest entrepreneurial aspirations to emulate the success of J. Paul Getty and Howard Hughes.
Find out what changed his life and how that can benefit you.
Get To Know Us
Human capital has surpassed traditional physical capital as the creator of wealth.
Learn how Bizar Financing mobilizes human capital as a great wealth creating force.
Getting Rich Your Way
Check out this 26 minute video.
Visit with eight Bizar Financing graduates.
See what challenges they faced, what they learned from Gordon and how they each applied it to achieve ownership of one or more successful businesses.
What's more see how they did it using little or none of their own cash.
Gordon's Unique Definition of An Entrepreneur
Gordon crushes the traditional definition of an entrepreneur with his incredible insight into their true power and purpose.
Check it out, embrace it and multiply tenfold your business building success.
Road to Greatness
Gordon illuminates a pathway, that when walked by others, has created many of the life altering milestones upon which western civilization has been built.
Whether your dreams are modest or grand, to learn and embrace the Road to Greatness can deliver you to the achievement of whatever level of success you seek.
Check it out.
What We Do
We provide highly valuable services and resources to entrepreneurs, corporations, financial institutions, high-net-worth individuals and employees seeking to buy out their employers.
Learn more about our resources and what they can do for you.
Bizar Financing commits people, capital and structure to help our members and the communities we serve to prosper and grow.
Bizar Financing provide online and live event training specializing in the strategies, methods and techniques of financial leverage.
How you can leverage very little money to acquire and rapidly grow very valuable businesses.
Here is where the rubber meets the road.
Find out more.
Bizar Financing Essentials
Bizar Financing Essentials provides interactive online training in the use of financial leverage to acquire successful businesses.
It equips entrepreneurs with the basic knowledge needed to buy a company with little or none of their own cash.
Recommended as a necessary and efficient introduction to the uses and power of financial leverage. It is an excellent way for the entrepreneur to gage whether or not business acquisition is the right path for them.
Find out in more detail exactly what is included.
Bizar Financing Pro
Bizar Financing Pro provides online and live event training in the use of advanced financial leverage strategies, methods and techniques to acquire successful businesses of any size in almost any industry.
It equips entrepreneurs with the complete knowledge, tool sets, and resources needed to buy their target company with little or none of their own cash.
Recommended for serious entrepreneurs for the acquisition of companies that range from strong competitors to companies that dominate their industry.
Find out in more detail exactly what is included.
Partners In Business Acquisition (PIBA)
PIBA builds on the knowledge and training of Bizar Financing Pro.
In addition to live personal coaching sessions with Gordon Bizar, it creates a partnering relationship that enables Gordon and our team of top professionals to supply any aspect of the acquisition process on a "done for you" basis.
Recommended for graduates of Bizar Financing Pro who have an acquisition opportunity either so large or so complex that they feel more resources, more experience or people with additional core competencies are needed.
Find out in more detail exactly what is included
Master Entrepreneur
Master Entrepreneur builds on the knowledge and training of Bizar Financing Pro.
In addition to live personal coaching sessions with Gordon Bizar, it creates a partnering relationship that enables graduate to become one of our team of top professionals credentialed and qualified to supply any aspect of the acquisition process on a "done for you" basis for our PIBA members.
The program is only available to Bizar Financing Pro graduates who have acquired successful companies using Gordon's teachings.
Recommended for graduates of Bizar Financing Pro who have already purchased a company and want access to more deal flow and equity positions as part of a professional acquisition and management team.
Find out in more detail exactly what is included
Investing In Ecommerce Companies
eCommerce is the wave of the future.
A relatively small percentage of these companies qualify as Rapid Growth, High Profit, High Cash Flow, High Leverage opportunities.
Investing in eCommerce Companies trains investors in:
What these companies are
How to find them
How to evaluate them
How to finance their purchase with high leverage
How pay themselves huge annual incomes under the most favorable of tax circumstances
How to manage their portfolio
How and when to exit with an extraordinary capital gain profit.
The program also provides a networking investor club to facilitate the combining of resources to buy the larger and most profitable of these companies.
Recommended for people with money who want to make a lot more money.
Check it out.
Loan & Investment Packaging
Loan & Investment Packaging is a training and support system providing entrepreneurs who already own a business or already have an acquisition pending and believe all they need is financing.
The program consists of all of the knowledge, tools, resources and support the entrepreneur needs to:
Identify the right type of financing
Find the most advantageous source of the funds
Package their funding request for the maximum appeal to the funding source
Negotiate the most cost effective results
Close the funding quickly
Find out more.
Note: Loan & Investment Packaging is already included in Bizar Financing Pro.
Strategic Aggregation
Strategic Aggregation is the preeminent business model for success in the 21st Century.
It quickly multiplies the number of customers of each strategically aggregated company.
At the same time it provides each aggregated company with multiple new revenue sources for high level passive income as their customers transact business with other aggregated companies.
Strategically aggregated companies can double, triple or even quadruple their profit in as little as two years.
The CBS sits at the center of the cross-marketing process facilitated by web based software that tracks all transactions and pays all participants.
Learn more about CBS and CCP professionals and an exciting career path that puts you in the center of growing companies and wealthy individuals.
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
Typically embedded into a CPA firm, the Certified Business Strategist (CBS) is a recently created professional designation for the person who orchestrates the client cross-marketing and servicing by companies and other business professionals which have been strategically aggregated to provide solutions for businesses.
This well compensated professional is required to have certain core competencies, business experience, personality traits and ongoing training essential to the profession.
Find out more about being a CBS, our training and support systems and the career possibilities.
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
Typically embedded into a Family Office, the Certified Concierge Professional (CCP) is a recently created professional designation for the person who orchestrates the client cross-marketing and servicing by companies and other business professionals which have been strategically aggregated to provide solutions to high net worth, high income individuals and families.
This highly compensated professional is required to have certain core competencies, business experience, personality traits and ongoing training essential to the profession.
Find out more about being a CCP, our training and support systems and the career possibilities.
Bizar Financing live webinars, seminars, conferences and mastermind events provide access to a worldwide community of entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals connecting people on similar or aligned missions from all parts of the globe.
None of us is as good as all of us.
It's a simple concept made real by bringing together business and finance thought leaders with the action takers who together transform ideas into reality.
The right tools give entrepreneurs the competitive edge in business acquisition.
Know in less than an hour what it takes others weeks or even months to determine.
Price the company
Identify the right funding types & sources
Know before you close how your acquisition will cash flow after the close
History teaches that tools are only as valuable as the mastery of the person using them.
Bizar Financing tools are not available separately. They are included in the Bizar Financing Pro business acquisition system to insure that they are used correctly.
Check out each tool. See its power in the hands of a master.
Business Price Calculator
Do-Able Deal Analyzer
Contribution Margin Calculator
Loan Package
Pro Forma Forcasters
RMA Industry Financial Statement Comparisons
RMA Financial Statement Forecaster
Every step from deciding what type of business to buy, through evaluation, negotiation, financing and closing the transaction is best accomplished with research.
Bizar Financing connects all of its members to the most useful time-tested information sources at each step of the process for an optimum acquisition as well as other business growth solutions after the purchase.
Check it out.
Since 1980, Bizar Financing has continually innovated the state-of-the-art strategies, techniques and methods for "no cash" business buying… knowledge available no place else at any price.
The combined experience and mastermind collaborations of more than 350,000 participants from dozens of industries over 38 years assures your use of the best strategies, techniques and methods for the acquisition and success of your business.
See how our innovation can keep you in the lead.
Blog Topics
Each topic is latest posting at the top.
All Business
Merger & Acquisition
Finance & Credit
Legal Structure
Customer Service
Cost Cutting
Street Smarts
Sales & Marketing
Joint Venture & Aggregation
Asset Protection
Succession & Divestiture
Success Tip
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Thinking shared is ideas empowered.
Gordon blogs only when he sees a need either among our members or within a business transaction in which he is personally engaged.
Content rich and highly insightful, Gordon's blogs are like an advanced course in business success.
The full library of Gordon's blogs are available to you right here, right now.
Best viewed by setting aside some time to read, review and reflect.
Our Promise to You
To Our Members...
Bizar Financing is dedicated to helping you succeed throughout your journey of business success.
Expanding your vision of what's possible...
Providing training materials and events jam packed with valuable proven content...
Unlocking for you the secrets of other successful entrepreneurs...
Connecting you to great resources & solutions...
Enhancing your competitive edge...
Putting your ultimate vision of success within your reach.
Member First Policy
To Our Members...
Bizar Financing is dedicated to helping you succeed throughout your journey of business success.
Expanding your vision of what's possible...
Providing training materials and events jam packed with valuable proven content...
Unlocking for you the secrets of other successful entrepreneurs...
Connecting you to great resources & solutions...
Enhancing your competitive edge...
Putting your ultimate vision of success within your reach.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee!
Sign up for the program and any time during the next 30 days or download Bizar Financing Essentials and through section E of Bizar Financing Pro (which ever comes first) if you are not completely satisfied, send us an email requesting cancellation of your enrollment and receive a full refund of your enrollment fee.
See, hear and read what others have to say about their Bizar Financing experience and results.
38 years of keeping our promises.
Video Testimonials
More Testimonials
See and hear what others have to say about their Bizar Financing experience and results.
Real results by real people, from many different backgrounds, with varying degrees of resources.
38 years of keeping our promises.
Testimonials - Written
Read what others have to say about their Bizar Financing experience and results.
Real results by real people, from many different backgrounds, with varying degrees of resources.
38 years of keeping our promises.
FAQ questions about the Bizar Financing Pro Course and Support System.
FAQ questions about starting, buying or expanding a business.
Join Us
Start, Buy or Expand Any Business with Little or None of Your Own Cash.
Training and support systems that have enabled the startup, acquisition and growth of tens of thousands of successful businesses for Bizar Financing members and alumni.
Check them out. See which is best for you and the achievement of your goals.
Bizar Financing Essentials
A great place to start…
Learn online how to start, buy or expand any business with little or none of your own cash.
Follow detailed step-by-step case studies. Learn them. Then replicate them to take ownership of your own successful business.
Many have turned a few hundred dollars into millions. You can too!
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
Getting Rich Your Way
Enrollment Form
Why You? Why Here? Why Now?
Bizar Financing Pro
The only advanced business learning and support system you will need for business success.
Learn online how to start, buy or expand any business with little or none of your own cash.
38 years of the combined wealth creating knowledge of thousands of successful entrepreneurs… at you finger tips… on your PC or mobile device, 24/7.
Follow detailed step-by-step case studies. Learn them. Replicate them. Take ownership of your own successful business.
Learn more and get your questions answered during monthly live webinars hosted by Gordon personally.
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
Enrollment Form
Education Training And Support Cost Comparison
Why You? Why Here? Why Now?
Partners In Business Acquisition (PIBA)
The ultimate business acquisition support system… with Gordon Bizar as your partner.
Is your deal too big?
Is getting the financing too tough?
Is your plan too grand?
Do you need resources from other parts of the world?
Do you need a broader base of experience at your side?
Do you want to better your odds of success?
With Gordon Bizar as your partner:
Doors open
Challenges get solved
Resources are multiplied
Transactions close
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
Enrollment Form
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Master Entrepreneur
For those who want to be Gordon Bizar, have what Gordon has and do what Gordon does.
Be part of Gordon's legacy.
Carry on the Bizar Financing knowledge and support to the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Gordon will personally train and mentor you.
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
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Loan & Investment Packaging
All you need is the financing…
Learn how to package your funding opportunity so that it's irresistible to the right lender or investor.
Use time-tested Word & Excel templates already pre-programmed to present your plan and projections in the form to which lenders and investors favorably respond.
There's more.
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
Enrollment Form
Why You? Why Here? Why Now?
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
20th Century careers have been disappearing at an ever increasing rate over the last decade.
You can retire early, take a job for which you are over qualified and underpaid, or embrace a new future creating amazing value for businesses and their owners.
If you're seeking a new high-paying professional level career working with business owners and upper management, becoming a Certified Business Strategist (CBS) could be your ideal opportunity.
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
Enrollment Form
Why You? Why Here? Why Now?
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
20th Century careers have been disappearing at an ever increasing rate over the last decade.
You can retire early, take a job for which you are over qualified and underpaid, or embrace a new future creating amazing value for high-income earners and high net worth individuals & families.
If you're seeking a new high-paying professional level career, love the good life and hobnobbing with elites, becoming a Certified Concierge Professional (CCP) could be your ideal opportunity.
Check out the details.
Features & Benefits
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Membership Services
Essentials Support
Pro Support
PIBA Support
Partnering & Joint Ventures
Foundations Feature Access Page
Essentials Feature Access Page
Essentials Webinar Library
Pro Webinar Library
A1 - Psychology of Business Success Part 1
A2 - Psychology of Business Success Part 2
A3 - Psychology of Business Success Part 3
B - How to Find the Right Business For You
C - Trends in Business Through 2035
D - Asset Analysis
E - Financial Analysis
F - The Business Price Calculator
G - 117 Leverage Techniques & How to Use our Do-Able Deal Analyzer
H - Negotiating a Deal That Will Close
I - Structuring Your Deal - The Legal Side
J - Financial Institutions - Where's the Money
K - Reversing a Negative Cash Flow with an ESOP
L - Bankruptcy as a Buying Opportunity
M1 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M2 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M3 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M4 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M5 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
N - How to Take the Plunge
O - Post Acquisition Success Strategies
Partners in Business Aquisition (PIBA)
PIBA Webinar Library
Running Start Library
APS Training Webinars
APS Resources
Loan/Investment Package
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
CBS Feature Access Page
CBS Webinar Library
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
CCP Feature Access Page
CCP Webinar Library
Live Events & Webinars (Master Calendar)
Live Events Descriptions & Registration
Master Entrepreneur
Accountant Partnering System (APS)
Feature Access Page
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
Billionaire Lifestyles (BL)
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
Crisis Business Success Team
Crisis Business Success Team Webinar Library
CBST Webinar Library for Active Members
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Certified Prosperity Coach (CPC)
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Get Rich Your Way
BF Pro
Entity vs. Asset Purchase – Key Considerations
Discouraged? Flip to Enthusiasm!
A Bizar Financing™ Pro member recently expressed frustration after encountering several setbacks. I offered encouragement and advice. It flipped his discouragement to enthusiasm. "You were...
Membership Services
Essentials Support
Pro Support
PIBA Support
Partnering & Joint Ventures
Foundations Feature Access Page
Essentials Feature Access Page
Essentials Webinar Library
Pro Webinar Library
A1 - Psychology of Business Success Part 1
A2 - Psychology of Business Success Part 2
A3 - Psychology of Business Success Part 3
B - How to Find the Right Business For You
C - Trends in Business Through 2035
D - Asset Analysis
E - Financial Analysis
F - The Business Price Calculator
G - 117 Leverage Techniques & How to Use our Do-Able Deal Analyzer
H - Negotiating a Deal That Will Close
I - Structuring Your Deal - The Legal Side
J - Financial Institutions - Where's the Money
K - Reversing a Negative Cash Flow with an ESOP
L - Bankruptcy as a Buying Opportunity
M1 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M2 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M3 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M4 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
M5 - No Cash Leveraging Strategies
N - How to Take the Plunge
O - Post Acquisition Success Strategies
Partners in Business Aquisition (PIBA)
PIBA Webinar Library
Running Start Library
APS Training Webinars
APS Resources
Loan/Investment Package
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
CBS Feature Access Page
CBS Webinar Library
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
CCP Feature Access Page
CCP Webinar Library
Live Events & Webinars (Master Calendar)
Live Events Descriptions & Registration
Master Entrepreneur
Accountant Partnering System (APS)
Feature Access Page
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
Billionaire Lifestyles (BL)
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
Crisis Business Success Team
Crisis Business Success Team Webinar Library
CBST Webinar Library for Active Members
Relight America (RLA)
Certified Prosperity Coach (CPC)
My Account
Who We Are
Our Company At A Glance
Who is Gordon Bizar
Why Gordon Bizar Coaches Entreprenuers
Get To Know Us
Getting Rich Your Way
Gordon's Unique Definition of An Entrepreneur
Road to Greatness
What We Do
Bizar Financing Essentials
Bizar Financing Pro
Partners In Business Acquisition (PIBA)
Master Entrepreneur
Investing In Ecommerce Companies
Loan & Investment Packaging
Strategic Aggregation
Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
Business Price Calculator
Do-Able Deal Analyzer
Contribution Margin Calculator
Loan Package
Pro Forma Forcasters
RMA Industry Financial Statement Comparisons
RMA Financial Statement Forecaster
Blog Topics
All Business
Merger & Acquisition
Finance & Credit
Legal Structure
Customer Service
Cost Cutting
Street Smarts
Sales & Marketing
Joint Venture & Aggregation
Asset Protection
Succession & Divestiture
Success Tip
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Our Promise to You
Member First Policy
Satisfaction Guarantee
Video Testimonials
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Getting Rich Your Way
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Bizar Financing Pro
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Education Training And Support Cost Comparison
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Partners In Business Acquisition (PIBA)
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Master Entrepreneur
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Loan & Investment Packaging
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Certified Business Strategist (CBS)
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Certified Concierge Professional (CCP)
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